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Debate Comprehensive A(3rd-5th)

Online Mon/Wed 1-3 PM

1,462.50 US dollars

Class Description

If you argue with your parents a lot and want to understand how to become better at persuasion and argumentation, this class is for you! In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of Spontaneous Argumentation, Team Spontaneous Argumentation, and one major debate category. This class will lay a solid foundation of debate and teamwork skills. Students will enhance their critical thinking, speaking, note-taking, logical problem-solving, listening, and research abilities. Above all, this class is fun! Debate can sound intimidating, but this class provides the opportunity for new debaters to grow alongside others at their own level. Commitment: One semester Prerequisites: None Homework: Light Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged

Cancellation Policy

Class can be cancelled 7 days before the class starts with full refund to the original payment. Once class starts, it is refundable.

Contact Details

10885 S Blaney Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA

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