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Speech & Debate Course Catalog

Foundational Courses
Littles Speech
Grades: 1st and 2nd
Description: These sessions will be a fun, interactive experience for our youngest speech students. Class activities will include storytelling, confidence building, basic debate, presentation skills, and online speech games and activities. This class aims to get kids comfortable with public speaking, logical thinking, telling and understanding stories. Looking for the FUNdamentals of public speaking and debate for your young ones? Look no further!
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $976 (fall semester) or $1098 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Minimal
Competitions: None
Speech and Debate Comprehensive
Grades: 3rd-5th; 6th-8th; 9th-12th
Description: This class is a foundational class that any student with no experience in speech and debate can take! Students will learn skills in four fundamental categories: limited preparation speaking, research-based speaking, acting, and debate. This class is great for students who are just starting out, are trying to build their confidence, or refine their speaking skills. After taking this class, students can take the Intermediate Speech and Debate Comprehensive, start the Debate Comprehensive, or move on to specialty classes. Our students love this class because it is a fun way to help them develop their writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Intermediate Speech and Debate Comprehensive
Grades: 3rd-5th; 6th-8th; 9th-12th (high school students should consider one of the specialty options after taking the Speech and Debate Comprehensive)
Description: This class is for returning Speech and Debate Comprehensive students. Students will refine skills in the major four categories (limited preparation speaking, research-based speaking, acting, and debate) as they analyze new subcategories in each domain. After taking this class, students can start the Debate Comprehensive or move on to specialty classes.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: Speech and Debate Comprehensive
Homework: Light
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Debate Comprehensive
Grades: 3rd-5th; 6th-8th; 9th-12th
Description: If you argue with your parents a lot and want to understand how to become better at persuasion and argumentation, this class is for you! In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of Spontaneous Argumentation, Team Spontaneous Argumentation, and one major debate category. This class will lay a solid foundation of debate and teamwork skills. Students will enhance their critical thinking, speaking, note-taking, logical problem-solving, listening, and research abilities. Above all, this class is fun! Debate can sound intimidating, but this class provides the opportunity for new debaters to grow alongside others at their own level.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Intermediate Debate Comprehensive
Grades: 3rd-5th; 6th-8th; 9th-12th (high school students should consider one of the specialty options after taking the Debate Comprehensive)
Description: This is the class for returning Debate Comprehensive students. After learning about the fundamentals of ethos, logos, pathos, and kairos in the previous class, students will sample four debate categories (Public Forum, Parliamentary, and Lincoln-Douglas) in more depth. This class is for students who want to build more confidence before jumping into the competitive world of extracurricular debate. By the time they’re done, they’ll be certain of which debate category they wish to pursue for the upcoming year; this is an ideal summer course for students wishing to have a clear trajectory in the fall.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: Debate Comprehensive
Homework: Medium
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Congress and Speech Specialty Courses
Acting and Impromptu
Grades: 5th-8th
Description: In this class, students will learn how to interpret literature and speak with limited preparation. If you like acting, this is the class for you! This class will help teach students to understand and connect with their audience through emotion, how to create a scene using blocking, and how to use storytelling as a tool for persuasion. Additionally, this class teaches impromptu speaking, which helps the students learn structure, think on their feet, and use examples as evidence. This is a fun class that teaches students skills they will use throughout their academic career.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Congress and Extemp
Grades: 5th-8th
Description: This class will go in-depth with both congressional debate and extemporaneous speaking. In congress, students pretend to be senators and will advocate for and against bills. They will learn about working together with others, real public policy, researching, speaking, and professionalism. In extemporaneous speaking, students will have a limited amount of time to prepare a speech answering a question about national or international current events, politics, or relations. This helps students to learn critical thinking, quick research, and how to answer questions using evidence and logic.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Elementary Nationals Team
Grades: 4th-5th
Description: Our elementary nationals team invites students who are focused on a competitive, high level development of skills and events to personal attention from our coaches in small groups of three to five. On the nationals team, students learn how to write speeches, develop a variety of events, and take those events to competitions across the United States. Students who join the nationals team will develop their speaking, writing, research, peer review, and listening skills, as well as enhance their ability to work as a team.
Commitment: One year
Cost (for two hour-long weekly meetings and specialized workshops): $3400 per year (fall and spring)
Prerequisites: Interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete during an average of two weekend tournaments per month
Congress Nationals Team
Grades: 6th-12th
Description: Our congress nationals team is a small group of students use tailor-made curricula from our coaches to excel at national tournaments. On the nationals team, students learn about working together with others, real public policy, researching, speaking, and professionalism at a nationally competitive level. They attend weekly sessions to prepare for competitions by improving research, delivery, and strategy skills.
Commitment: One year
Cost (for four hours of weekly meetings and specialized workshops): $5000 per year year (fall and spring); $650 for summer (if fall and spring are simultaneously signed up for)
Prerequisites: Interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete during an average of 2.5 weekend tournaments per month
Speech Nationals Team
Grades: 6th-12th
Description: Our middle and high school nationals team invites students who are focused on achieving nationally competitive excellence in acting, prepared speaking, and limited preparation speaking activities. Students meet with groups of two or three with their primary coach during the weekdays and attend weekend workshops with other students and coaches to optimize their feedback. On the nationals team, students learn how to write speeches, develop a variety of events, and take those events to competitions across the United States. Students who join the nationals team will develop their speaking, writing, research, peer review, and listening skills, as well as enhance their ability to work as a team.
Commitment: One year
Cost (for four hours of weekly meetings and specialized workshops): $5000 per year year (fall and spring); $650 for summer (if fall and spring are simultaneously signed up for)
Prerequisites: Interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete during an average of 2.5 weekend tournaments per month
Debate Specialty Courses
Public Forum Debate
Grades: 6th-8th
Description: In this debate class, students will learn the public forum debate format. The students will learn how to work with a partner to construct and argue a case concerning current events. In public forum debate, there is a new debate topic every one-two months. Consequently, our students will go in-depth with each topic, enhancing their abilities to do deep research and critical thinking. Taking this class will help students learn how to analyze and respond to arguments, listen more effectively, take better notes, and develop their reading and speaking skills.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: Debate Comprehensive
Homework: Medium
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Intro to Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Grades: 7th-12th
Description: Lincoln-Douglas (LD) is a one-on-one debate format sponsored by the National Speech and Debate Association; the topic changes every two months. Traditionally, LD is a philosophical, values-based debate. This class is for students who want the immersive experience of LD and still want to compete, but are not looking for the advanced level of competition and requirements of the progressive, policy-style LD class. In this class, students will learn how to research, deepen their knowledge base, understand multiple perspectives on issues, deal with ethical questions, and learn note-taking and reading skills.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Junior Varsity (JV) Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Grades: 6th-8th; 9th-12th
Description: This class offers a more advanced, intense, policy-style, progressive Lincoln Douglas debate format for students who want to compete on the national circuit. This class is best suited for students who are interested in competitive debate, want a topic that changes every two months, and prefer one-on-one debating. Lincoln Douglas is research-heavy. To be successful in LD, students most demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic and their ability to provide extensive evidence. In this class, students will deepen their knowledge base, learn how to understand multiple perspectives on issues, deal with ethical questions, develop their note-taking and reading skills, and learn how to quickly process and communicate complex information.
Commitment: One semester (only offered during summer for middle schoolers, offered year-round for high schoolers)
Cost (for 16-18 2.5-hour lessons): $1825 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Intro to Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete during an average of 2.5 weekend tournaments per month
Parliamentary Debate
Grades: 7th-12th
Description: This class is for students who are interested in team debate and current events. In this format, debaters will get a new topic every time they debate, which earns them a wide array of knowledge on current events over time. They debate in pairs against rival partners. Parliamentary debate helps students learn how to work together to construct a case, how to listen well and engage in cross examination, and use logic to defend their arguments. In this class, students will develop research skills, quick critical thinking, writing, note-taking, and extemporaneous speaking skills.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged
Intro to Policy Debate
Grades: 6th-9th
Description: This class is for students who are passionate about debate and are on track to engage in high-level competitions. Students will learn how to research and improve their analytical skills. If you are interested in public policy, politics, and diving deep into topics, you will love this class. The goal of this class is to help students try out Policy Debate before joining the team later in on the season.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 18 lessons): $1462.50 (summer only)
Prerequisites: Interview . Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: None
Policy Debate Nationals Team
Grades: 6th-8th
Description: This class is for students who are passionate about debate and are on track to engage in high-level competitions. Students will learn how to research and improve their analytical skills. If you are interested in public policy, politics, and diving deep into topics, you will love this class. This class requires a high commitment level from the students.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 2.5 hour-long weekly meetings and specialized workshops): $3650 per year (fall and spring)
Prerequisites: Interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete during an average of 2.5 weekend tournaments per month
Lincoln-Douglas Nationals Team
Grades: 6th-8th; 9th-12th
Description: Our Lincoln-Douglas nationals team is a small group of students who use tailor-made curricula from our coaches to excel at national tournaments. On the nationals team, students attend weekly sessions to prepare for competitions by improving Lincoln-Douglas debate skills.
Commitment: One year
Cost (for 2.5 hour-long weekly meetings and specialized workshops): $3650 per year (fall and spring)
Prerequisites: Interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete during an average of 2.5 weekend tournaments per month
Public Forum Nationals Team
Grades: 6th-8th
Description: Our Public Forum nationals team is a small group of students who use tailor-made curricula from our coaches to excel at national tournaments. On the nationals team, students attend weekly sessions to prepare for competitions by improving Public Forum debate skills. Lincoln-Douglas contests follow a one-on-one format; Public Forum tournaments are two-on-two.
Commitment: One year
Cost (for 2.5 hour-long weekly meetings and specialized workshops): $3650 per year (fall and spring)
Prerequisites: Interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete during an average of 2.5 weekend tournaments per month
Mock Trial and MUN Courses
Model United Nations for Kids
Grades: 4th-6th
Description: In Model United Nations, students collaborate to solve real-world problems like global hunger, climate change, pandemic preparedness, and many more. Students get the opportunity to represent different countries and develop an understanding of international relations. Doing this helps students to learn how to work with other people and strategize to achieve their desired goals. In this class, students will learn about international history and politics, as well as public speaking, writing, and leadership skills.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: None
Model United Nations
Grades: 7th-12th
Description: In this class, students act as representatives of real countries to solve real-world problems like global hunger, climate change, pandemic preparedness, and many more. Unlike debate, this highly competitive event emphasizes a cooperative model rather than an adversarial one. In this class, students will write research papers and learn the details of public policy. Students will develop advanced research writing, public speaking and leadership skills aimed to help them succeed at competitive conferences.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: Two optional conferences per semester (fall and spring)
Advanced Model United Nations
Grades: 7th-12th
Description: This class is for experienced Model United Nations competitors only. Students with only summer camp experience should not register for the advanced level. Here, students with a strong grasp of basic Model United Nations (such as international relations knowledge, the basics of political science, and conference rules) will be prepared to attend conferences. Curricula will be tailored to each class’s needs, which may include how to succeed in different MUN committees, high-level writing and oratory strategies, and lesser-known tricks of the trade to stand out amongst other delegates. Students who register for this class should do so with the intent of competing at MUN conferences.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: Model United Nations
Homework: High
Competitions: Multiple conferences per semester
Mock Trial
Grades: 7th-12th
Description: If you are thinking about becoming a lawyer, enjoy public speaking, are good at communicating, or simply want to join a fun, litigious activity, Mock Trial is an activity you should consider. Mock Trial was created to help students acquire a working knowledge of our judicial system, develop analytical abilities and communication skills, and gain an understanding of their obligations and responsibilities as participating members of our society. Do you have what it takes to be a lawyer, or do you just want to find out what a lawyer does? Join Mock Trial and find out how to excel as a prosecutor, defense attorney, or witness. Students will participate in a capstone project where they compete against advanced students on both sides of a case.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: None
Mock Trial Nationals Team
Grades: 8th-12th
Description: Historically, students needed to compete with a school-sponsored team of at least eight students to participate in high school mock trial tournaments. ModernBrain has worked closely alongside Peer Potential Mock Trial (PPMT), a Shanghai-based annual competition with over a half-decade of experience, to expand their mock trial middle/high school circuit to Americans. This is a system that’s already seen results at some of the top colleges in the country; students matriculating at Stanford, Princeton, Yale, MIT and more have featured their PPMT mock trial experience. Students who join our Mock Trial Nationals team will prepare every week in groups of four to eight. They need to have already competed in mock trial or taken our mock trial class, since we’ll jump right into our preparation for high-level competitions. They must be 100% free for all competition dates.
Commitment: One year
Cost (for two hours of weekly meetings and specialized workshops): $3650 per year (fall and spring)
Prerequisites: Interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com, and mock trial experience (either a semester of our mock trial class or a semester of school-based mock trial experience)
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Mandatory; students will compete in two competitions in fall and two competitions in spring
Enrichment Courses
College Writing Workshop
Grades: 9th-12th
Description: In this class, students are prepared for college writing by exploring four key units. These include lessons on writing a personal statement, preparing interview responses for selective institutions, creating an appropriately formatted and college-ready research paper on a subject of their choice, and planning a student-led service project relevant to their college ambitions. This class was designed for students who want to improve their chances of getting into their right-fit colleges but need to hone their oral and written communication skills to stand out. In a competitive landscape where a traditional way to showcase achievement–standardized testing–is less relevant now than ever before, the techniques this class teaches will help provide clarity, confidence, and strong composition skills to our students.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: None
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Competition Class
Grades: 9th-12th
Description: This class prepares students to succeed in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competitions. If a student does not have a chapter at their high school, we provide them resources to create one. If they do, we help them excel in the FBLA’s National Awards Program. Students are provided an overview of 70+ competitive events and provided specialized training in over a dozen of the public speaking-oriented categories. This course helps students understand business theory, communication, leadership, money, management, case study analysis, organizational development, and a plethora of other skills crucial for 21st-century success in a changing corporate landscape.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: Offered; strongly encouraged (but must be attended through a participant’s high school)
Creative Writing
Grades: 4th-6th
Description: In this class, students deepen their written and oral communication capabilities through performance-focused creative writing. By learning and practicing writing devices and exploring different techniques and approaches to written work, students will expand their knowledge of authorship, voice, tone, and communication. Students will accomplish this through poetry, prose, essay, and story writing. When taking this class, students will develop their writing, creativity, speaking, logic, and storytelling skills, as well as their ability to analyze literature. Students who successfully accomplish this class will have a collection of publishable work.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: None
Grades: 6th-10th
Description: This class teaches students to understand and apply new screenwriting terminology and tactics. It follows a weekly format. First, students read through an excerpt or complete short, pilot, or feature, together as a class, before watching the filmed version of that piece, and analyzing what was involved in the adaptation from script to screen. Next, students dive into the nuances of that week’s genre and format, discuss examples the students know and like, and participate in instructional games to help reinforce the themes. Finally, students practice writing in that format and genre, before sharing that week’s writing with the class, and receiving feedback.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: None
Philosophy and Dungeons and Dragons
Grades: 6th-12th
Description: Dungeons and Dragons (DND) is a fantasy role-playing game where students pretend to be characters inspired by fiction like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson. The University of Melbourne reported in 2019 that students who play role playing games like this “have higher cognitive abilities than the average population…[including] comprehension, spelling, attention span, and critical thinking.” Philosophy and DND adds a layer of ethical thought experiments to the game, where students will first play the game and then discuss the real-life implications and philosophical basis for the challenges they encountered in the game. It makes learning about the liberal arts fun.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: None
Advanced Philosophy and Dungeons and Dragons
Grades: 6th-12th
Description: This class is for students who are experienced with and passionate about Dungeons and Dragons. It teaches students the leadership, preparation, and creative writing skills to be a Dungeon Master, offers opportunities to play and direct the game, and provides instruction on world-building techniques. Students study geography, mythology, history, language, flora and fauna, and other relevant elements of fictional content creation and game design. Advanced Philosophy and DND has a strong college-focused element: by the end of the class, students who follow the curriculum will publish their material through an official website, providing proof of their passion to colleges and universities.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: Philosophy and Dungeons and Dragons or interview. Contact yan@discovertalentedu.com
Homework: Medium
Competitions: None
Billionaire’s Club
Grades: 3rd-5th
Description: This class, as part of our economics series, gives students the intellectual and decision-making tools that they need to become independent financially stable people by the time they finish high school. Students will learn the basics of personal financial literacy, the elements of building a successful business, finance and investment through the eyes of an investor, and economic theory and history. It all begins in elementary school, with this course: we teach students about personal financial literacy and public speaking for business.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Light
Competitions: None
Economics, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship (Level I)
Grades: 6th-12th
Description: This class, as part of our economics series, gives students the intellectual and decision-making tools that they need to become independent financially stable people by the time they finish high school. Students will learn the basics of personal financial literacy, the elements of building a successful business, finance and investment through the eyes of an investor, and economic theory and history. In middle school, students transition to learning economics and practical business skills.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: None
Economics, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship (Level II)
Grades: 6th-12th
Description: This class, as part of our economics series, gives students the intellectual and decision-making tools that they need to become independent financially stable people by the time they finish high school. Students will learn the basics of personal financial literacy, the elements of building a successful business, finance and investment through the eyes of an investor, and economic theory and history. In high school, students learn about economic history and underlying theories in preparation for the AP tests.
Commitment: One semester
Cost (for 16-18 lessons): $1300 (fall semester) or $1462.50 (spring/summer semesters)
Prerequisites: None
Homework: Medium
Competitions: None
AP Economics Intensive
Grades: 9th-12th
Description: In this year-long course, students will learn both microeconomics and macroeconomics. This class helps students get an in-depth understanding of economics in order to prepare them for their Advanced Placement test at the end of the school year. ModernBrain does not directly administer the AP test but encourages students to sign up through their school and provides tools and techniques to get a 5.
Commitment: One year
Cost (for 32-34 lessons): $2950
Prerequisites: Passing grade in Algebra I
Homework: Heavy
Competitions: Economics contests